【语发中心 公告】用英文勇敢闯世界:流浪三大洲五大洋的国际交换生活

  • 2016-11-23
语发中心即将在11/30()下午15:10-17:00邀请庄容讲师在M009 举办「用英文勇敢闯世界:流浪三大洲五大洋的国际交换生活」学生讲座

演讲题目: 用英文勇敢闯世界:流浪三大洲五大洋的国际交换生活

Topic: Use English to Explore the World : Exchange Life of Wandering around 3 Continents and 5 Oceans.

主讲者:Tutor ABC副理 庄容   

Speaker: Daniel

日期: 11/30 (三)

Date: Wed. , November 30th

时间/Time: 15:10-17:00

地点/Venue: M009


This lecture has applied for credits of General Education Seminar, please bring your student ID card to enter the lecture.


Organizer: MOE General English Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform Project ,

Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research