CDLTR is going to hold TOEIC/ TOEFL ITP campus tests on Jan. 6th, 2024. Test information please find:
- 测验日期Test Time & Date:09:30~12:00, Jan. 6th (Sat.), 2024
- 测验地点Test Venue:亚洲大学Asia University(考试教室将于考前5天公布)
- 报名期间Registration Period:Nov. 1st , 2023~ Dec. 1st , 2023
- 报名网址Registration Website::
- 报名费用Fees:多益(TOEIC):$1,100 ; 托福(TOEFL ITP):$1,200
- 参与语发中心夜间英检密集班多益班A班、托福班及外籍生英语加强班同学请务必报名参加,报名时请选择[课程班]。
※Notice: TOEIC IEP (Class A), TOEFL IEP and international IEP students must pay the test fee when registering the test. The center will refund the fee after students provide the test result.
- 初次报名请先申请帐号 If you have not take the test, please create an account.
- 若考生有帐号申请问题,可直接洽询客服人员:(02) 2701-7333 /
- 特殊优惠考生勿使用网络报名,请于11/27前亲洽语发中心。
If you have a status that can receive a special discount, please contact CDLTR before Nov. 27th, 2023.
自2018年起失业对象不适用 )

亚洲大学 语文教学研究发展中心
Asia University, The Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research
Tel: +886-4-23323456 ext 6297、.6299
Fax: +886-4-23394140.