Lan-Lan Chang张岚兰
状态 专任教师
姓名 Lan-Lan Chang张岚兰
职称 助理教授
分机号码 20018
研究室 HB18
学历 美国克莱姆森大学 公园游憩与观光管理博士
专长 文化观光、观光消费者行为、观光行销
请益时间 112-2 在校时程表
年度 论文名称
2019 Yu-Chih Huang、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、Chia-Pin Yu、Joseph Chen, Examining an extended technology acceptance model with experience construct on hotel consumers’ adoption of mobile applications, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, vol.28 no.8 pp.957-980, 2019
2019 Yu-Chih Huang、Joseph Chen、张岚兰, Understanding Leisure Trip Experience and Life Satisfaction: An Illustration of Creative Travel Experience, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2019
2018 黄裕智(Huang, Y. U)、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、Backman, K. F., DETECTING COMMON METHOD BIAS IN PREDICTING CREATIVE TOURISTS BEHAVIORAL INTENTION WITH AN ILLUSTRATION OF TPB, Current Issues in Tourism, vol.22 no.3 pp.307-329, 2018
2015 Yu-Chih Huang、Kenneth F. Backman(Kenneth F. Backman)*、Sheila J. Backman、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), Exploring the Implications of Virtual Reality Technology in Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research, vol.18 no.2 pp.116-182, 2015
2014 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、Kenneth F. Backman、黄裕智(Yu-Chih Huang), Creative Tourism: A Preliminary Examination of Creative Tourists’ Motivation, Experience, Perceived Value and Their Revisit Intention, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, vol.8 no.4 pp.401-419, 2014
2013 黄裕智(Yu-Chih Huang)、SHEILA J. BACKMAN、FRANCIS A. MCGUIRE、KENNETH F. BACKMAN、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), Second life: The potential of 3D virtual worlds in travel and tourism industry, Tourism analysis, vol.18 no.4 pp.471-477, 2013
2013 黄裕智(Yu-Chih Huang)、SHEILA J. BACKMAN、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), Experiencing Student Learning and Tourism Training in a 3D Virtual World: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education, vol.13 pp.190-201, 2013
2010 JOSEPH S. CHEN、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、郑健雄(JEN-SON CHENG), Exploring the Market Segments of Farm Tourism in Taiwan, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, vol.19 pp.309-325, 2010
发表日期 论文名称
2023.09 高立学(Li-Shiue Gau)、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、吴宗纬、陈咏晴、黄中兴, 探讨日常生活中休閒疗癒的概念、定义与实践 , 第25届休閒、游憩、观光学术研讨会暨国际论坛, Sep. 2023, 台北,台湾
2023.07 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、Yu Chih Huang, Ethnic Tourism, Exploring the Factors affecting Tourists' Revisit Intention. , 2023 Annual ICHRIE Summer Conference, Jul. 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
2023.07 Yu Chih Huang、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), From Restorative Environment to Consumer's Subjective Well, Being: A study of a wellness and spa resort - 2023 Annual ICHRIE Summer Conference, Jul. 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
2022.05 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), Exploring Ethnic Tourists' Attitude and Revisit Intention by Using the Theory of Planned Behavior , The 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference, May. 2022, INDONESIA
2022.03 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、黄裕智(Yu-Chih Huang), Integrating the Value, Attitude-Behavior Hierarchy and the Theory of Planned Behavior in Understanding Ethnic Tourism Experience. - Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents – Tourism for a Better World (MTCON-2022), Mar. 2022, Turkey
2020.10 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), 整合价值, 态度-行为等级制度与计画行为理论探讨游客旅游行为 - 2020观光与休閒学术论坛暨研讨会, Oct. 2020, 台湾台中市
2016.11 罗咨闵、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、许世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu), Applying the theory of planned behavior to explore the Factors Influencing the Customers’ Future Behavioral Intention towards Vegetarian Restaurant , 2016 International Conference on Leisure, Health promotion and Health care Administration, Nov. 2016, Taichung, Taiwan
2016.11 洪美玲、张峻嘉(Chun-Chia Chung)、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), Motivation, Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Tourists to Xinshe Flower Sea in 2015 , 2016 International Conference on Leisure, Health promotion and Health care Administration, Nov. 2016, Taichung, Taiwan
2015.11 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、许世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu), Factors Influencing Creative Tourists’ Revisit Intention , 2015 International Conference on Leisure, Health promotion and Health care Administration, Nov. 2015, Taiwan
2015.10 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、许世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu), 探讨创意旅游游客的消费情绪、满意度与未来行为意图关系之研究 , 第17届休閒、游憩、观光学术研讨会暨国际论坛, Oct. 2015, 台湾
2015.10 Yu-Chih Huang、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), Using the Framework of Experience Economy to Explore Cultural Tourism Experience , Manchester EuroCHRIE2015, Oct. 2015, Manchester, United Kingdon
2015.10 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、Yu-Chih Huang、Kenneth F. Backman, Using the framework of experience economy to explore cultural tourism experience , Manchester EuroCHRIE2015, Oct. 2015, Manchester, United Kingdon
2015.10 陈泓嘉、许世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu)、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang), 知易行难?消费者对绿色饮食的认知与消费阻碍 , The 7th Asia Pacific Alliance on Tourism and Hospitality Education &The 15th Annual Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, Oct. 2015, Taiwan
2015.05 观光工厂游客渡假生活型态、知觉价值与行为意图关系之研究 , 2015年休閒、运动、观光暨餐旅学术研讨会, May. 2015, 台中市雾峰区
2013.10 Experience tourism destination in a 3D virtual world and its impacts on travel intentions: An exploratory study , The 5th Advances in Tourism Marketing (ATMC) Conference, Oct. 2013, Portugal
2013.10 Creative Tourism: An Preliminary Examination of Creative Tourists’ Motivation, Experience, Perceived Value and Their Revisit Intention , The 5th Advances in Tourism Marketing (ATMC) Conference, Oct. 2013, Portugal
2013.07 Marketing Tourism Destinations In a 3D Virtual World: An Integrated Framework , The 2013 TOSOK International Tourism Conference, Jul. 2013, Seoul, South Korea
2013.07 Understanding the Relationship between Tourists’ Experience and Intention to revisit creative tourism attractions , The 2013 TOSOK International Tourism Conference, Jul. 2013, Seoul, South Korea
2012.06 An Investigation of Creative Tourists’ Experience and Revisit Intention , 2012 Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) International Conference, Jun. 2012, Virginia Beach, VA, USA.
2012.04 The Core and Balance leisure activity and children’s development. , College of Health, Education, and Human Development (HEHD) Research Forum, Apr. 2012, Clemson, SC, USA.
2012.01 Tourism Training: An Investigation of Virtual Learning Experience in the Context of a Virtual World , The 19th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Jan. 2012, Helsingborg, Sweden
2011.04 Inter, relationship of creative tourism image evaluation variables and after purchase behavior. - College of Health, Education, and Human Development (HEHD) Research Forum, Apr. 2011, Clemson, SC, USA
2008.01 A study of tourists’ perception of farm tourism. , The 13th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, Jan. 2008, Orlando, FL, USA
2002.01 A study of tourists’ preference of travel destination choices. , The 4th Leisure Recreation Tourism Academic Conference, Jan. 2002, Taipei, Taiwan.
2001.01 Comparative study of upscale resort hotel tourists’ vacation lifestyle in different travel destinations – using Kenting and Chihben as examples , The 3rd Leisure Recreation Tourism Academic Conference, Jan. 2001, Taichung, Taiwan.
2001.01 Study of family lifecycle and tourists’ vacation lifestyle – Using tourists in the Kenting area as example , The 3rd Sustained Development Conference: New-century Operation and Management, Jan. 2001, Pingtung, Taiwan
计画名称 参与人 计画期间
部落旅游体验环境恢复效益 (NSTC112 2410 H 468 025) 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang) 2023.08 ~ 2025.01
到部落旅游吧!影响消费者旅游选择行为因素之探讨 (MOST 110-2410-H-468-022) 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang) 2021.08 ~ 2022.07
整合价值-态度-行为等级制度与计画行为理论探讨游客旅游行为 (MOST 107-2635-H-468-001) 张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang) 2019.08 ~ 2020.07
台湾茶产业产销转型技术推广与服务 (20160621121231) 郑健雄、张岚兰(Lan-Lan Chang)、施养佳(Yang-Chia Shih)、李明明(Min-Min Lee) 2015.02 ~ 2018.01
课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 93U00011A 生态旅游 113
大学日间部 93U00287A 市场调查与研究方法 113
大学日间部 93U00287B 市场调查与研究方法 113
大学日间部 93U00293A 国际旅游实务 113
年度 名称 全部作者
112 台湾民众部落旅游认知、态度与行为意图关系之研究 馀荞安
112 部落旅游游客之旅游体验与重游意图关系之研究 王俪苓
112 部落旅游游客之旅游体验与生活品质关系之研究 陈怡伶
112 休閒教育融入学校本位特色课程规划之研究 杨晶乔
111 游客旅游意象、满意度及重游意愿关系之研究-以仁爱乡互新赏梅季为例 彭小凡
111 从认真性休閒的内涵与心流体验观点探讨空手道馆教练志工服务之研究 -以松竹道馆为例 林迈
111 品牌形象、顾客满意度与再购意愿之研究-以中部地区弘爷汉堡连锁早餐店为例 江怡君
111 应用IPA模式探讨导览解说员服务品质之研究-以台中中央公园为例 刘芳孜
111 以绿色旅游推动可行性之研究-大坑风景区为例 馀正道
111 日本庆典活动自助旅行参与者心流体验与旅游知觉风险之探索研究 吴政远
110 休閒涉入、休閒效益之研究,以国防部全民防卫动员署后备指挥部职业军人为例 陈沅礼
109 以消费者价值理论探讨消费者对麦当劳忠诚度之研究 黄燕琳
109 品牌形象、知觉价值与再购意愿关系之研究 以米其林餐厅为例 杨师瑄
105 以计画行为理论探讨消费者对于蔬食的认知及蔬食餐厅的行为意图 罗咨闵
104 探讨日月潭周边步道使用者的环境识觉、满意度与重游意愿关系之研究 叶淑芬
103 游客对秋红谷生态公园服务品质、满意度与重游意愿之研究 蒋海水
年分 计画名称 指导教授 学系 学生姓名
111 精打细算! 游乐园游客 重游意愿影响因素之探 讨 张岚兰 许君玲
103 观光工厂游客渡假生活型态、知觉价值与行为意图关系之研究 张岚兰 休閒与游憩管理学系 陈奕绮