【語發中心 公告】語發中心開設三門東南亞語課程,歡迎選課。

  • 2017-09-07
「New Southbound Policy」should not be just a slogan. Empower yourself and develop your global mobility by learning Southeast Asian Languages today! Join us for Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Thai Language Courses

l 課程簡介 Course Introduction
106-1 semester, CLTR offers three courses. The courses provide language learning as well as cultural and historical discussion of Southeast Asian countries.

l 選課方式 How to sign-up for the courses
Sign-up via school course selection system

l 招生對象 Students
(1) 已抵免通識英文課程之學生
Students who waived General English courses
Students whose major is related to Southeast Asian studies or university-industry collaborative research projects
Undergraduates, graduate students, or students enrolled in continuing education programs who are interested in Southeast Asian languages & cultures

** For further information, please refer to the Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research website or visit its office at M201.