2022.05 |
張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang), Exploring Ethnic Tourists' Attitude and Revisit Intention by Using the Theory of Planned Behavior , The 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference, May. 2022, INDONESIA |
2022.03 |
張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang)、黃裕智(Yu-Chih Huang), Integrating the Value, Attitude-Behavior Hierarchy and the Theory of Planned Behavior in Understanding Ethnic Tourism Experience. - Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents – Tourism for a Better World (MTCON-2022), Mar. 2022, Turkey |
2020.10 |
張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang), 整合價值, 態度-行為等級制度與計畫行為理論探討遊客旅遊行為 - 2020觀光與休閒學術論壇暨研討會, Oct. 2020, 台灣台中市 |
2016.11 |
羅咨閔、張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang)、許世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu), Applying the theory of planned behavior to explore the Factors Influencing the Customers’ Future Behavioral Intention towards Vegetarian Restaurant , 2016 International Conference on Leisure, Health promotion and Health care Administration, Nov. 2016, Taichung, Taiwan |
2016.11 |
洪美玲、張峻嘉(Chun-Chia Chung)、張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang), Motivation, Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Tourists to Xinshe Flower Sea in 2015 , 2016 International Conference on Leisure, Health promotion and Health care Administration, Nov. 2016, Taichung, Taiwan |
2015.11 |
張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang)、許世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu), Factors Influencing Creative Tourists’ Revisit Intention , 2015 International Conference on Leisure, Health promotion and Health care Administration, Nov. 2015, Taiwan |
2015.10 |
張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang)、許世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu), 探討創意旅遊遊客的消費情緒、滿意度與未來行為意圖關係之研究 , 第17屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, Oct. 2015, 台灣 |
2015.10 |
Yu-Chih Huang、張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang), Using the Framework of Experience Economy to Explore Cultural Tourism Experience , Manchester EuroCHRIE2015, Oct. 2015, Manchester, United Kingdon |
2015.10 |
張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang)、Yu-Chih Huang、Kenneth F. Backman, Using the framework of experience economy to explore cultural tourism experience , Manchester EuroCHRIE2015, Oct. 2015, Manchester, United Kingdon |
2015.10 |
陳泓嘉、許世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu)、張嵐蘭(Lan-Lan Chang), 知易行難?消費者對綠色飲食的認知與消費阻礙 , The 7th Asia Pacific Alliance on Tourism and Hospitality Education &The 15th Annual Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, Oct. 2015, Taiwan |
2015.05 |
觀光工廠遊客渡假生活型態、知覺價值與行為意圖關係之研究 , 2015年休閒、運動、觀光暨餐旅學術研討會, May. 2015, 台中市霧峰區 |
2013.10 |
Experience tourism destination in a 3D virtual world and its impacts on travel intentions: An exploratory study , The 5th Advances in Tourism Marketing (ATMC) Conference, Oct. 2013, Portugal |
2013.10 |
Creative Tourism: An Preliminary Examination of Creative Tourists’ Motivation, Experience, Perceived Value and Their Revisit Intention , The 5th Advances in Tourism Marketing (ATMC) Conference, Oct. 2013, Portugal |
2013.07 |
Marketing Tourism Destinations In a 3D Virtual World: An Integrated Framework , The 2013 TOSOK International Tourism Conference, Jul. 2013, Seoul, South Korea |
2013.07 |
Understanding the Relationship between Tourists’ Experience and Intention to revisit creative tourism attractions , The 2013 TOSOK International Tourism Conference, Jul. 2013, Seoul, South Korea |
2012.06 |
An Investigation of Creative Tourists’ Experience and Revisit Intention , 2012 Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) International Conference, Jun. 2012, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. |
2012.04 |
The Core and Balance leisure activity and children’s development. , College of Health, Education, and Human Development (HEHD) Research Forum, Apr. 2012, Clemson, SC, USA. |
2012.01 |
Tourism Training: An Investigation of Virtual Learning Experience in the Context of a Virtual World , The 19th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Jan. 2012, Helsingborg, Sweden |
2011.04 |
Inter, relationship of creative tourism image evaluation variables and after purchase behavior. - College of Health, Education, and Human Development (HEHD) Research Forum, Apr. 2011, Clemson, SC, USA |
2008.01 |
A study of tourists’ perception of farm tourism. , The 13th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, Jan. 2008, Orlando, FL, USA |
2002.01 |
A study of tourists’ preference of travel destination choices. , The 4th Leisure Recreation Tourism Academic Conference, Jan. 2002, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2001.01 |
Comparative study of upscale resort hotel tourists’ vacation lifestyle in different travel destinations – using Kenting and Chihben as examples , The 3rd Leisure Recreation Tourism Academic Conference, Jan. 2001, Taichung, Taiwan. |
2001.01 |
Study of family lifecycle and tourists’ vacation lifestyle – Using tourists in the Kenting area as example , The 3rd Sustained Development Conference: New-century Operation and Management, Jan. 2001, Pingtung, Taiwan |